Thinking About What To Write About πŸ€”

I came into ELA and I looked at the do now on the board. And I had to write a blog post. So I sit down and I think about what to what to write about. I don’t know what to write about. Should I write about the time when I went to look for my page number and my book mark had fallen out. Or when my dog ran out of the house. Instead I wrote about the things that had crossed my mind about what to write about.


  1. Assam HSLC Syllabus 2020 - Assam HSLC Syllabus 2020 will be released by the Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA) for High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) examinations for 2021 due to the sudden outbreak of the pandemic around the Nation and worldwide. SCERT Assam 1st Class Revised Syllabus The SEBA HSLC Syllabus 2020 will be cut short to 30 percent by the concerned Authority for the upcoming Year. Candidates are advised to check the official page to know all the necessary details regarding Assam Class 10 Syllabus. For more details and updates on the new reframed curriculum of Assam HSLC Syllabus 2020, read this article


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